connection [ kuh-nek-shuhn ] noun (1) the act or state of connecting. (2.) the state of being connected 3.) anything that connects; a connecting part; link; bond (4.) association; relationship (5.) a circle of friends or associates or a member of such a circle. (6.) association with or development of something observed, imagined, discussed, etc.
Connection is the invisible thread that weaves itself in and out of everything we do. It is the glue that holds relationships together, it binds teams together across the globe as individuals move as one against their opponent, it’s even responsible for the loyalty we feel towards certain brands and products. When a product resonates with us, that connection is forged and it quickly becomes a part of our DNA; just ask any Apple or Microsoft user, Ford or Chevy consumer.
Can you think of a brand or company that has made you into a brand loyalist? Have you ever asked yourself why?
Connection between people has reached record highs in the past two months. It’s inspiring to witness how in a time when keeping physical distance is imperative, how truly precious our connections both personal and work-related are. These chummy and deeply-rooted relationships have taken on new meaning, as they have become our lifelines to the outside world and to one other.
Tuesday, while attending a virtual Workhuman event on connection, it became even more evident how businesses have switched gears and found new ways to connect not only their teams during this pandemic, but their products and services to the masses. As history has proven throughout the ages, out of conflict and strife comes innovation and growth. Though we will never return to ‘business as usual,’ we will come out on the other side of this.
“Double-down on your WHY … The WHY is the foundation of everything you do. Crisis is a great reveler. This experience has underscored the value and importance to human connection. This pandemic has shown us what is truly important and can reveal a company’s mission that much more importantly.” ~Simon Sinek, Workhuman webinar event
We will get over this mountain, and when we do, we will be stronger, leaner, more resilient, and better equipped to meet our customer’s needs. With every new insight comes a shift in process, bringing us a few steps closer to being the best version of ourselves as an employee, consumer, business owner, leader, and company.